精銳 歐洲之星

2008/11/22 18:20
銳 歐洲之星 






  關於此案的設計概念,胡碩峰表示源自某次員工旅遊時,觀看西班牙畢爾包雕塑家Jorge Oteiza的雕塑後所產生一種強烈的啟發。Jorge Oteiza癡迷於空間、結構與形式,一生嘗試了無數的材質、形狀各異、開放或不開放、空心或實心的“盒子”。最後,胡碩峰以此為靈感,將這些折面的雕塑加以變形,如建築一般,再塞入機能,運用量體的切面去傳達空間的豐富性,於是此案原型便開始產生。

參與者」吳銘峻 李佩倫 朱弘 (接待中心) 林朝成 汪莉雯 (樣品屋)
攝影者」胡碩峰 鄒昌銘 李國民
面 積」200坪

A reception and sample house is quite essential for potential customers to know a project even though some people believe is only a deception. However it is no doubt that this kind of design has more or less added a fresh air to our city as it provides an imaginative nature against our dull and mediocre cityscape.

As the real estate market booms and gradually extends to major cities in Taiwan, developers face fierce competition. Some believe the secret of success relies on the fancy design of sample houses. Mr. Hu Shry-Fong, who was used to being active in Taipei, was unable to say "no" to his developer friend in Taichung; so he tried to give his best shot at a reception and sample house design.
Hu was asked to design a luxurious sample house like a precious stone that would attract passers by. Hu further interpreted this design as a simple mass unwrapped to reveal a fantasized interior.

Is architecture a sculpture in the city?
Hu stated that this project was inspired by Jorge Oteiza's sculpture in Bilbao when he and his studio traveled to this tourist friendly city. Jorge Oteiza was personally fascinated by material tectonics and spatiality. He used all kinds of materials and transformed them into all kinds of shapes and spatial embodiments. Hu utilized what he saw in the great master and bent various plate panels into experimental interesting shapes. This experiment was a prototype for further development in space.

Designer: Shry-Fong Hu
Participants: Ming-Chun Wu Pei-Lun Li Hung Chu
Chou-Chen Lin Li-Wen Wang
Photographer: Shry-Fong Hu, Chen-Ming Chou, K. M. Lee
Category: Sample House / Reception
Location: Taichung
Materials: plywood, metal, paint, mirror, rice-pebble surface treatment, stone
Size: 605㎡
Design period: February - March 2007
Construction period: March - April 2007


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